FC, Podcast The reasons why Dunkirk isn't that good! Episode 318 looks at why Dunkirk isn't as good as it's being made out to be. And more bad news for the DC Universe, movie wise at le...
FC, Podcast The reason Spider-Man Homecoming has Iron Man in it #317 Cars 3 and Spider-Man Homecoming get reviewed. And is Robert Downey Jr. the biggest problem in Spider-Man Homecoming? Find out in the latest...
***, FC, Movie Reviews Spider-man Homecoming Review The hype is good for Spider-Man Homecoming, as it comes home to Marvel Studios (sort of) We got our first glimpse of the rebooted / re i...
News, Video The Music Video That Was Baby Driver Before Baby Driver It’s been one week since Edgar Wright’s heist movie masterpiece Baby Driver (read our five star review here ) screeched onto the big screen,...
News The Long In Development Gemini Man Finally Gets The Green Light Way back in 1997, leafing through the pages of Empire (the movie lovers Internet before the Internet existed) I stumbled across news of an i...